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TPM & Training Program

Home Quality TPM & Training Program

TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) and TQM (Total Quality Management):

Our team has been trained by top experts in TPM and TQM methodologies. These approaches enable us to optimize productivity, minimize downtime, and continuously improve our processes to achieve the highest levels of quality and efficiency.


Kaizen and Poka-Yoke

We embrace the principles of Kaizen (continuous improvement) and Poka-Yoke (error-proofing) to drive innovation and eliminate defects from our processes. This ensures consistent quality and enhances customer satisfaction.


CII - IQ (Confederation of Indian Industry - Institute of Quality)

Institute: Our employees undergo training programs offered by the CII - IQ Institute, a prestigious organization that imparts knowledge and skills in various areas, including quality control, production, HR, and finance. This ensures that our team members stay updated with the latest industry practices and trends.

ACMA (Automotive Component Manufacturers Association)

We also participate in training programs provided by ACMA, an industry association focused on the automotive component sector. These programs enhance our expertise and enable us to deliver products that meet the specific requirements of the automotive industry.

At our company, we are dedicated to delivering exceptional rubber components that exceed customer expectations. Our commitment to quality, supported by certifications, industry practices, and continuous training, ensures that our products meet the highest standards of performance and reliability. 

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